Spin. Spin spin spin. 8 billion people, 8 billion souls, 8
billion stories, yet we all depend and rely on the same routine.
“It’s a boy” she cried, “We have a son!” She grasped him
with her loving hands, as if she would never let him go again. She froze,
speechless. Tears of joy brushed across her exasperated face, like an endless
stream. He stared at her with passion, emotions stirring, disbelief that he was
now a father and both the excitement and fear of having to take on a world of
responsibility and commitment.
Two blocks down. The desperate screams of a little girl wake
up an entire neighbourhood, yet no one lifts a finger. Her dad, intoxicated as
usual, beating her, as if the innocent soul, his very own blood was some sort
of predator out to get him. Sickening.
Cross country. A 17 year old kid, tired, beat and alone
standing on the very edge of a bridge, desperately trying to find a reason to
keep holding on to the railings but failing to do so. The wind brushes across
his cheeks in perfect synchronisation with the memories of his self-deemed
worthless life flashing before his eyes. He takes in a deep breath. “Fuck it”
he says. “Fuck all of it”. He surrenders to gravity, letting go of the tightly
gripped railings. Just as he is about to go into freefall, he notices an
unfamiliar warmth around his chest. Yes, it’s the warmth of a loving, kind
stranger who’s come from nowhere to provide the kid with that feeling he’s been
longing for all his life – the feeling that there’s someone out there who
cares. The feeling that love, friendship and compassion is still possible. Some
would call this hope. And from that moment onwards, he had a reason to hold on,
to keep fighting, to live for another day.
And then there’s me. And there’s you. We all have our own
stories, our own challenges. And then there’s billions of others. I think we all
need to remember this more often. Sometimes we get caught up in a moment,
anxious, worried or excited, and we feel as though the world revolves around
us. Every single second these things are happening – and we are certainly not
the centre of the universe. We are all unique and important in our own way, but
sometimes we need to ground ourselves and remember our place. Our thoughts and
feelings are important, but they are not enough to change every single thing
that goes on around us to be the way we want them to be. We can’t have every
single person like us. We can’t have every single person behave the way we
want, or do the things we want them to do.
I think sometimes, we need to remember our place, and
realise that a lot of the internal chatter that goes on within our minds is a
waste of energy, a lot of the anger and stress and dissatisfaction is caused by
our expectations which are often, when you look at them objectively,
unreasonable. Think about it. Is it reasonable to expect every single event to
unfold the way you want it to? Is it reasonable to expect everyone to like you?
Billions of things are going on in this world, billions of souls all going
through different walks of life. You are important, you are unique. But
sometimes it’s better to surrender yourself to the natural flow of things and remember
that the world does not revolve around you. There is a natural process. The world keeps spinning, plants keep growing, the sun goes up and then it goes down again, and life goes on... Remember that.
PS: Not entirely pleased with this piece, but it's been a while and I haven't been able to perfect it so I wanted to share. Let me know what you think!
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