yourself credit. Take a step back every now and then to reflect on things and
remember not to be too harsh on yourself.
mean seriously, why do our inner voices have to be so critical and so cynical?
When we look at others around us and evaluate some of the things they’ve gone through,
how do we react? When it comes to analysing our own selves, we’re like our own
worst enemy. That inner voice is a bitch, ignore it.
try and remind myself every now and then to take a step back, take some alone
time to reflect on things and recognise how far I’ve come over the years. Yes,
I talk to myself sometimes, and I have my own inner dialogue with regards to
what I’ve achieved, and I analyse these the way I would if a friend of mine was
telling me his life story.
course, none of us are perfect – we all face similar challenges in life and
just like you, I also manage to bring myself down from time to time. But in
those situations we have to remember that as long as we are breathing and as
long as the world keeps spinning, we have time to make our dreams come true. I
believe that with all my heart.
can all make an impact on this world, we can change things for the better, and
we can leave our mark on this world. I don’t know about you, but one of my
biggest dreams is to somehow leave a mark on this world – I have no idea how I
would do that at the moment, but I believe there is a way and I believe I will
figure it out, and I think that’s the most important part – believing until
your very last breath, even when you’ve lost all reason to believe.
proud, and be strong, brave souls. Yes, we all have different life paths and
endure different circumstances from both ends of the extremely broad spectrum
of life, but if you’re reading this, no matter what you’re going through I
believe you have a glimpse of hope and strength within you, and I bet you’ve
overcome some amazing things. You have great things in your life too, I’m sure.
Sometimes the best things in our lives we take for granted, or we drive away
from ourselves. Love and happiness often come from these things – we just need
to remember to appreciate them, to reincorporate them into our lives and
remember how blessed we are. Believe in yourself, and stay strong.
If you’re looking for a good book to read, I highly recommend The Untethered
Soul by Michael Singer – a book about finding inner peace and making the best
of the amazing journey that is life.
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